Stop Curtis Bay Energy
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We, the undersigned, are outraged to learn about Curtis Bay Energy's collaboration with the abortion industry through its collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children and the tools used to kill them. We demand that Curtis Bay Energy immediately stop servicing the abortion industry and furthering the holocaust of the unborn in our nation. Until then, we are committed to standing with the Campaign to Stop Curtis Bay Energy. We vow to distance ourselves from businesses that support Curtis Bay Energy and to expose the company as a facilitator and cohort to the ongoing murder of thousands of innocent children.
The Campaign to Stop Curtis Bay Energy is a nationwide effort that aims to expose the Baltimore-based medical "waste" disposal company Curtis Bay Energy for their collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children and the tools used to kill them.
While 2012 marks 39 years since the unlawful Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which has resulted in the violent deaths of fifty million children and counting, the Campaign to Stop Curtis Bay Energy is marking the end of our nation’s deadly silence toward those that facilitate the abortion industry as it hurls a stone at this medical “waste” collaborator.
Without Curtis Bay Energy and businesses like it, the abortion industry would collapse. Join us in the fight!