Children matter "Poverty" just stop it.

Child poverty is something that I myself, have never really thought of. But today, it's just come across my mind. And I want to help. Today my civics class was asked to do a project, one that would make a difference in the world. One whatever we want to do it on. Lately I have been reading things such as where child poverty is happen.. how many people are dieing from it. And how its affecting us in this world today. over 14 millon children under the age of five are dieing because of poverty. Thats what makes me sick. Most of these children are living off of $2.00 a day, while were hearing living off whatever our credit card will give us. Last I cheaked, by reading the charter of rights, peole have the right to live, and hearing about this, not much children get that. or a live of how a lot of us are living today. Child poverty should even be something we have to think of becasue it shouldnt even exsite. there shouldnt be poeple dieing from it everyday. Am I right Look at it this way for all all you who have kids. I'm sure so many parents are loseing there children from this every second. Just imagian if that was you.. and you were loseing your kids. How would you feel And to think that ther only loseing them over things like food. and not having the right health care that they need. I think its pathedice that we have no concidersation about this.. And that people just dont care. HOw could you not Take a walk in there shoes and take this into coniderastion... Dontj sut sit back and make it seem like it doesnt matter. Its all around us everyday, every hour, every minute, every second. Just think about this... sign this and we can make a difference