STOP Child Pornography in Yahoo Groups

Yahoo Groups has a serious ongoing problem with child pornography. While many believe that the problem has been resolved after the ‘candyman’ investigation, this is simply not the case. Yahoo Groups still contains extremely offensive illegal material (including pictures and videos of young children being sexually abused). ACT NOW: Sign the petition below and demand that Yahoo! stop facilitating the exhibition and trade of child pornography. This petition, complete with your comments, will be delivered to Yahoo! Inc. -------------------------------------------------- We, the undersigned, believe it is inappropriate that Yahoo! is facilitating the exhibition and trade of child pornography through Yahoo! Groups. We therefore urge that Yahoo! dramatically increase its efforts to ensure that all Yahoo! Groups are free of child pornography. This includes increased monitoring of existing groups for offensive material, increased preemptive measures (including the screening of all group names and descriptions before posting), and improved response times for the investigation of complaints regarding inappropriate material. --------------------------------------------------