Mark Weller 0

Stop the Car Wash in Nolensville Town Center!

463 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Mark Weller 0 Comments
463 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This is the last chance for Nolensville citizens to make our voices heard: We DO NOT want a car wash in the center of town!

  • The car wash will add traffic congestion to an already busy and dangerous thoroughfare (Oldham Dr.).
  • The car wash is an unsightly and unwelcome blemish in the middle of town.
  • There are better, more appropriate locations for the car wash elsewhere in town.
  • The roar of vacuum cleaners, strong smell of chemical cleaners, and idling cars will discourage outdoor dining and activities within town center.
  • Certain elected officials may be putting their personal interests and financial gain before the interest of the town and its people.

The car wash was approved by the Nolensville Planning Commission, 7-1, in the June meeting. Nolensville resident Mark Weller, along with other concerned citizens, is spearheading this campaign to raise awareness among townspeople in hopes of stopping the construction of a large car wash in the center of town. The land on which the car wash will be constructed is owned by a group of investors including current Vice Mayor Jason Patrick.

Prevent the construction of a large car wash in Nolensville Town Center!

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