Stop Mike Ashley from Renaming St James Park
andrew loake 0

Stop Mike Ashley from Renaming St James Park

84 signers. Add your name now!
andrew loake 0 Comments
84 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are looking for as many signatures to stop mike ashley from Renaming Newcastle united. Lets tell him how we feel St James Park is the name of the Stadium and should remain the name of the stadium, Even though he may own the club he has no right to just decide to make more money on this. OUR stadium has been named St james since 1892 and should remain so. EMAIL THE LINK TO THIS PETITION AND GET PEOPLE TO SIGN IT.


Once we require a resonable amount this petition will be forwarded onto Newcastle United, The English FA, Several North east Newspapers and to any prospective buyers wanting to purchase the rights to St James Park

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