Stop Arts Council Cuts in Wales

to appeal to the Arts Coucil, about their recent cuts in Wales, Many Local and Commuinty Projects that were funded by the Arts Council have now been cut from their funding from the Arts Council - We Believe that this is a big MISTAKE.. and that the many Performing arts, Musical, Drama based Theatre Groups are a great importance to many individuals and Schools and deprived areas. The Arts Council have cut 3 out of 8 theatre groups in the Wales Area - such as Speactcle Theatre based in the Rhondda Valleys and Theatr Gwent.. with the funding from the Arts Council that has now been cut, each of these companies have to now seek other funding and raise money to be enabled to carry out there mission and aims in educating and teaching Peoples from all ages and backgrounds the importance of Welsh Culture, Drama, Theatre and Music and Many other Drama Genre types and not only other Arts based but Basic skills such as commuincation and team building that many adults and children can carry with them throughout life.