Stop CA From Manipulating Our School Books

The school officials in California have decided that to be fair to everyone and to afford the students of California a fair, balanced and fat-free education they should try to eliminate all references to junk foods, stereotypes and sexism in the books that they use as text books in the classrooms. So what is on the list of banned phrases Let\'s start with \"Founding Fathers\"! The powers that be have decided that the term \"Founding Fathers\" is sexist and shouldn\'t be used to teach our students and future generations. Never mind that they were all founders. Never mind that they were all fathers. Never mind that they were our Founding Fathers. It is in appropriate to use the term when describing the group of men, fathers, who took the time out of their lives to come up with one of the greatest nations in the history of the world not to mention The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. This is simply going too far and in fact it is a blatant form of censorship inflicted upon our youth by the school officials in California. At the very least it is revisionism that is debasing the very history of the United States of America. It is wrong and it should be stopped. But that is only part of the atrocity. Because California is one of the largest purchasers of school books in the country scholastic book companies are kowtowing to this incredibly bad idea and changing their books making the whim of those in California effective across the country. That\'s right, the rest of the country has to be affected because Californians don\'t want their precious little bundles of tofu affected by the fact that our country was founded by a group of men who happen to be Fathers! Among other things that are banned, as if we were citizens within the authority of the Third Reich, women cannot be portrayed as nurses because it is stereotypical. Mt. Rushmore will never be mentioned because it has the potential of being offensive to Lakota Indians even though it is a National Monument. The word