Saleh Al-Sulaiman 0

Stop Censorship on YouTube

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Petition to Google Board of directors, YouTube Management We, The Undersigned, are asking you to stop Censoring in Favor of Israel. In YouTube, there are thousands of Videos criticizing all aspects of our Life, such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Evolution, Creation, Whites, Blacks, Gay, Arabs, Indians, Chinese.... And all the Governments of the world starting from USA government not to End with Bhutan Government, Why we are not allowed to criticize the Israeli Government Why we are not allowed to criticize Zionists and their practices. Any Video That criticizes one of these two is doomed to be removed, any account posting such videos is subject to be suspended Users can see and hear criticism to their Ideas, Beliefs and/or Faith, while they are not allowed to fight back to defend their beliefs, We do Not hate Jews, on the contrary we respect Jews and their contributions We are not supporting terror or terrorists, We are Just asking to be dealt with on equal bases with all the other's, we do not want our views to be censored, because it is legitimate and supported by UN and it's organizations and every Human rights organization Please stop the Israeli online Censorship, stop the JIDF from hijacking YouTube, and stop their online bullying If you can not meet our demand to treat us all equally, we kindly ask you to Change the name to meet the reality of your website, We suggest you to use the common name ( JewTube )


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