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9 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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9 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

President Yoweri is treating an entire country like his personal property. Political dissent and personal expression and/or public discourse is callously repressed in a fashion reminiscent of Idi Amin and Moammor Gaddaffi. In just two days, we have seen babies, children and even pregnant women shot to death or wounded by an unruly militia that has no regard for human life or common tenets of human decency. This illegitimate President has sunk so low. He thinks Uganda is a large plantation of which he owns 100% shares. He thinks that he can butcher his stay in power for the next so many years before he hands it over to his son by instilling ultimate fear in the life of the Ugandan People. He also believes falsely that Uganda cannot exist without him. Please Join this petition to pass a strong and unmistakable message to Yoweri Museveni that 1) He must stop killing the Ugandan People in the name of maintaining security 2) He should and must allow the people of Uganda to express themselves freely. He cannot usurp the people's right to protest for their rights 3) He should and must apologize to the people who were dragged out of their houses and beaten to death by his insecurity agents 4) He should and must desist from making insensitive statements regarding this highly undesirable behavior by his state agents 5) He must know that the government exists for the people and not vice versa 6) He should and must take concrete steps to guarantee the citizens their inalienable rights to freedom, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness as enshrined in the UNITED NATIONS CHARTER for universal rights. 7) He should and must prosecute the people who committed these dastardly acts or we single them out for THE HAGUE



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