Stopping the Censorship of an Online Community
Kat Boehner 0

Stopping the Censorship of an Online Community

39 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kat Boehner 0 Comments
39 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now is an online community made up completely of mothers who are told to express themselves and get to know other mothers like them. Members are encouraged to be themselves and speak freely, but what they do not advertise is that if you disagree with anyone on the \"CafeMom Team\" (a group of women who moderate the site) they will remove you. You have to warn people if you are going to use profanity, you have to warn people if you are going to show a picture with too much skin (kids or not), you have to choose your words carefully because if you do will be removed. The minimum age for the site is SUPPOSED to be 18 - as the site is for mothers of any age...but it is preferred that mothers are over the legal age. Rarely is it enforced. The censorship should end. A person should be able to say any word that is describing what they are thinking or feeling. No person should be afraid of losing a network of great friends because of a word. \"Retard\": To Delay, or Slowed \'My clock is retarded\', \'The dog is a retard\' This is not offensive in any way. You are only offended if you want to be. CafeMom needs to realize this - and quit censoring people\'s thoughts when this particular online community is filled with grown women who should know better than to get offended over a word. I would absolutely LOVE to have this petition signed by as many people as possible. Those who believe that this form of censorship is unnecessary in a community of adults. Those who are tired of having our words taken from us. Those who are tired of this online community taking it\'s politically correctness over the line. For any CafeMom members that sign - please leave your username as well. This petition, with enough signatures, will be sent directly to the heads of CMI Marketing Inc.


I was a member of CafeMom for well over a year. I had no problems to speak of and even alerted the CafeMom Team of many fake profiles that were created using stolen or fake pictures. Never were they appreciative. A couple of months ago I had the word \'retard\' in a public journal, and it was deleted. Afterwards I posted it again, to have it deleted again. In no way was this journal post offensive in any way or to any person - it just contained this word. I posted it again with reference to the First Amendment, and not only was it deleted; so was I. I was banned from the site for using the word \"retard\" in all of it\'s forms. I know what mentally handicapped is - as I have a couple of members in my family that have mental handicaps. One has passed from complications, and the other remains 17 with the mental capacity of a 2 year old. They are retarded, they are slowed and mentally delayed - but never have I taken that word in the negative light. I\'ve emailed, written letters to CMI Marketing, and even sent a message to the CM Team when they were letting banned people back in with their \"amnesty\" program. I was denied because I \"couldn\'t contribute positively\" to the site. Do you remember me turning in fake profiles, spammers, and those who were actually offending people with racist and judgemental remarks They didn\'t care. No one has the right to censor you.
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