Natasha Lee 0

Stop Wightlink Reducing Services

471 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Natasha Lee 0 Comments
471 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Between Jan and March 2019 Wightlink sent their catamarans for the usual annual service, but that year they decided not to cover the timetabled ferry service with a replacement boat (apparently the company they normally use was already booked?).

This year Wightlink are due to send their catamarans for the annual service between 15th Jan and end of March. They have decided once again not to provide their customers with a replacement service (apparently because their customers complained about the replacement service?).

I would like Wighlink to be forced to either: take steps to replace the lost service (for their customers) over the next month-and-a-half; and if they don’t, I believe that they should be forced to adjust customer charges (annual/ monthly travel costs) I suggest a partial reimbursement, appropriate to represent to the loss of service.

I want to make sure that Wightlink cannot keep reducing their service, in order to save money, without also being proportionately reduce their customer charges.

The hovercraft is not a viable option for many commuters, who are reliant upon Wightlink specifically, to enable them to earn their living.

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