Stop Ticketmaster Touting now!!!
Andy Wiseman 0

Stop Ticketmaster Touting now!!!

53 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Andy Wiseman 0 Comments
53 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Fed up not getting tickets to see your favourite band play? Or your favourite comedian live, or maybe even the next big boxing match?

If there's a demand for an event ticket touts will always get away with finding a way to making an easy buck. Ticket touting has been going on forever but it's been made much easier these days by big companies like Ticketmaster allowing touts to sell via their site whilst taking a profit on a sell on fee for themselves, on a ticket they have already made money on. The higher the ticket goes for the higher the fee ticketmaster make.

For most big events these days there is normally a pre-sale,(o2 priority etc) in most cases these tickets don't reach normal hard working fans but are whipped up fast by touts to be sold on for, on average four to five times the original ticket price!

On a recent attempt to get tickets for a Ufc event in the UK I was disappointed not to get a ticket despite taking part in the presale and the general sale. It was eye opening to see tickets during the presale on the website Getmein, (run by ticketmaster) the minute the tickets went on sale. It seems impossible for tickets to purchased then added to a site one minute after they've been released in a process that would take about ten minutes...... Something fishy seems to be going on, it's it possible companies like Ticketmaster are allowed to purchase their own tickets to be sold on???

This type of money making will never end if we don't say we had enough and don't purchase tickets from these companies and especially the touts via sites like getmein! Glastonbury have managed to stop touting at gigs with ticket photo id, it's time ticketmaster follow suit and shut down their site getmein. Presale's need to be better regulated too'!! It's time real fans weren't ripped off and the ticket found there ways into the right hands.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for signing.

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