Stop the Neighbors Paper Delivery!!

The ‘Neighbors’ paper, which is owned by the Wichita Eagle, has been delivered to the streets of Augusta Kansas for quite some time now. Numerous citizens have called to request the paper no longer be delivered to their homes on multiple occasions, and yet the paper is still delivered. As Augusta residents, we have begged for the delivery of this paper to cease yet every week it is found littered in the yards, streets, and gutters of our homes. We are not requesting the publication of this paper to cease, we are stating that we should have the right to decide what is or is not delivered to our residence. We also believe that it is a waste of funds, and resources to deliver a paper to a city that not only does not want the paper delivered but throws the paper away, or recycles it at the earliest convenience without ever opening it to read.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge the producers and/or those in charge of the ‘Neighbors’ publication to cease delivery to individual residences. As an alternative option, we offer that you display your publication in grocery stores and supermarkets such as Wal-Mart and Dillons.