Stop the Slaughterhouses!
I know there are many petitions for this already but we really need to help these poor animals. Recently I was forced to watch the movie, Food Inc, for a health class and while reluctant to at first, I found myself both interested and appalled. They showed how our meat is prepared before packaged and sold to the grocery stores. Cows were getting sliced down the middle as they hung from conveyor belts. Baby chicks were being thrown down metal ramps. The major slaughterhouses and meat companies refused an interviews. Only one farmer let the cameras inside their chicken coop. While graphic, this movie opened my eyes to what is really happening to these animals. I knew they were obviously killed for meat, but I did not know so brutally. Currently there are 16 slaughterhouses in the US and we need to stop them!! At the core, we are animals too and we need to help our different species if that makes any sense.