Stop the school sport/music prominence abusement

We are a bunch of Slovenian students who would like to stop the sport and music "status" abusement. Nearly half of all the students with such privilege is abusing it to the point when it's not even allowed in the school rule system. But here are some reasons we should stup such an act.
1. They picked their sport, so it's their hobby. There's no reason to give them a greater privilege than normal students do. Everyone has spare time, they should just study in advance.
2. They can get out of situations whenever they want, so if the teacher is going to ask them, they can just tell him/her they have a status and reschedule their test/oral grade, even if they have a sport or some other activity 3x/week.
3. They can screw up another student by rescheduling. What I mean by that is if they reschedule their grade "appointment", the teacher is just going to ask the next one in line, and if the student didn't know that the "abuser" A.K.A "loyal classmate" was going to reschedule or atleast mention it in advance, he's done for, unless he studied.
Update: There are also some other minor disadvantages that are clear to everyone, and even if it fails to ban the statuses in full, every single school schould atleast stricten them! A TON! People can have their own ways with them and can literally abuse them a lot. Some of the users don't even follow the simple rules of what you need to "do" when you acquire a status.
Again, i'm not talking in everybody's name, because some of the students are actually smart with them and are flawless when it comes to obeying and scheduling, on the other hand, more of them use it as an easier grade advantage. Dude to busyness, i've already mentioned the priorities they can take.
If you have any questions regarding this post while also agreeing with it, make sure to write it down, we read every single one!
Thanks for reading!
Sincerely, the majority of students in my school.