StopRoyston Bellringers 0

Stop the Royston Bell-Ringers

StopRoyston Bellringers 0 Comments
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If you live in Royston, South Yorkshire you will know that every Sunday morning at 8:50 am until 9:30 that a small group of anti-social and selfish people participate in their favourite hobby of annoying everybody for a two one mile radius. I have measured the noise level and it reaches nearly 100 decibels. This is loud enough to be heard for over a mile away. The Health and Safety Executive description is “A dangerous sound is anything that is 85 dB (sound pressure level – SPL) or higher”.

Why do they do it? I asked them and they told me that it is a church tradition, that they are calling people to worship and if I don’t like it then it was my stupid fault for living in the village.

Make no mistake this has nothing to do with religion or tradition, it is a hobby, just like any other. It’s the same as playing football doing the gardening or collecting stamps, except that this hobby wakes up an entire village and ruins the only day of rest a lot of use get.

How are they allowed to get away with it? There are laws preventing nuisance noise, but it is the Council that are in charge of enforcing it and they won’t act against the church.

If like me you don’t want this intrusive noise from these selfish people, then join me in doing something about it. If enough people complain the Council will have to act. Other Villages have done it and we can as well.

Please sign this petition, and write to the council demanding that it stops.

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