Stop the Power Lines in SE Aurora
Lisa Clark 0

Stop the Power Lines in SE Aurora

124 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lisa Clark 0 Comments
124 people have signed. Add your voice!
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(Petition is open to all residents 18 or older of the City of Aurora and Arapahoe County, Colorado)

To the Aurora City Council and County Commissioners:

We call on the Aurora City Council and Arapahoe County Commissioners, our elected representatives, to reject all proposed routing of Xcel’s Pawnee to Daniels Park ultra-high-voltage long-distance transmission lines because:

  1. Xcel had a substation project twice rejected (2011 and 2015) by the City of Thornton. Xcel came back in 2016 with a beautiful community conscious, covered, walled landscaped substation with all lines leading in buried. We ask for the same consideration. See more here.
  2. Little (if any) of the power will feed our homes or businesses.
  3. Little consideration has been considered for alternative routes and placement of the new substation.
  4. Xcel gave inflated numbers to the County Planning Commission regarding the cost of burying the new lines. According to their own website. We do not dispute it is more expensive, but should be considered for parts of the project where areas are already congested with multiple lines (Toll Gate).
  5. Only Xcel has done EMF readings in the area. Neighbors in the area have done their own readings that have been very high. We ask that a third party, at Xcel's expense, be hired to do an unbiased reading along the easement and in our neighborhoods. This is a matter of public safety, even the state has set limits on the amount of EMF we should be subjected to.

If the project is to go forward, we demand the following:

  1. The new substation be built with the same community focus as the new Thornton Substation (see #1 above).
  2. The existing substation be re-landscaped and a wall added. If possible we ask that it be covered as well.
  3. All residents along the easement receive beautification funds in the amount of $500. This is the same amount each affected resident is receiving in Parker.
  4. All affected HOAs should receive $10,000 in funds to plant additional greenery to make the neighborhood more attractive to new home owners, or to soften the view of the towers.
  5. Toll Gate HOA or it's associated metro district, should receive $50,000 to mitigate and improve the affected areas.
  6. Xcel should be required to extend, at their expense, the existing trail system all along the existing easement in the City of Aurora and Arapahoe County where possible.
  7. Xcel commits to beautifying and adding trees to the existing easement.

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