In Memory of Foxy : -Stop the poisoning of dogs in lyme valley park
ellen ford 0

In Memory of Foxy : -Stop the poisoning of dogs in lyme valley park

141 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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141 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Petition for the attention of Newcastle Under Lyme council to protect the dogs of lyme valley park from being poisoned.

Thank you to all the people who have signed this petition so far, please help as much as you can by passing this on to other people, the more signatures we get the better.

I also feel I should add that after signing the petition a donation screen pops up, this is related to the petition host and has nothing to do with the petition itself- thought this needed to be clarified.

See the 'blog' section of the petition for updates thanks.

Over the last few months there have been several cases of antifreeze poisoning in lyme valley park, causing beloved pets to die an agonising death. The most recent victim was Foxy, a lovely border terrier, whom this petition is in memory of.

 Will YOU sign this petition to ask the council to take action to protect our pets from further harm? We already have 110 signatures on the paper version of this petition and we need as many signatures as we can get (hence putting the petition online)

Lyme valley  park has a play area and a small wildlife reserve thus increasing the risk to both animals and potentially children.

Please sign to show your support.

Thank you

The Ford Family


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