Stacey Newton 0

STOP The Palms Monopoly in Ocean Beach

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Stacey Newton 0 Comments
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Our current zoning laws ensure that Ocean Beach retains the quaint, beach town charm that we have enjoyed for decades. We are already beginning to lose the individuality that has characterized our thriving business district due to lack of enforcement of current zoning regulations. Those of us who enjoy the diversity of our shops, lodgings and restaurants and want to maintain the character of our business district and of our residential areas are joining together to make our voice heard and protect our Village Code.

The building that currently houses The Gallery is for sale and The Palms are trying to buy it and turn it into another hotel. Allowing the Palms to purchases another lot and rezone it for a hotel threatens the historical integrity of our community and the character of our business district. The Palms already owns six hotels, one bar, and an empty lot - several of which violate the Monotonous Similarity code by utilizing identical designs and building materials.

Please sign this petition to inform the Officials of Ocean Beach that we (homeowners, business owners, long term renters, and visitors with a vested interest in the community atmosphere of Ocean Beach) don’t want zoning for any lots in the business district changed to allow for another hotel. We also want the current laws (Village Code) enforced in the business district, which would include: 1) Monotonous Similarity, 2) Signage, 3) Use, and 4) Ban on Franchises.

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