Stop the Kutztown Borough Council's Madness

Please sign this petition if you want to preserve your freedoms as a resident of Kutztown Borough.
Under a new ordinance, the Borough Council is proposing limiting household gatherings to 10 people unless a Covid-19 Mitigation Plan is submitted to and approved by the Borough. This means that your Christmas Party or Thanksgiving Dinner over 10 guests must now be approved by the Borough. Further, the Council is proposing mandatory masks everywhere except in your home or vehicle. The Council will hold parents responsible if their children, as little as 2 years old, fail to wear a mask. Failure to comply could mean a $100 - $600 fine.
A copy of the proposed Kutztown Borough Covid-19 Ordinance can be viewed during normal business hours at the office of the borough Secretary, 45 Railroad St. in Kutztown.
After signing, please be sure to also attend the September 11, 2020 Special Borough Council Meeting at 5:00 pm via Zoom (Special Meeting) to voice your dissenting opinion.
*** This petition is only open to residents of Kutztown, PA. ***