Stop the Ivory Trade / Stop Elephant Death

The needless slaughter of elephants for their ivory tusks continues at an alarming rate. There are less than 600,000 elephants remaining in the world. That may seem like a lot of elephants, but researchers estimate that ivory poachers will take the last elephant within the next 15-20 years. This cannot be allowed to happen. We can stop it.
Ivory is primarily bought by wealthy individuals or organizations to be used for religious symbols or to show off their wealth to others. There are many options that can be used in place of ivory, but it is a status symbol that the wealthy crave. This can no longer be tolerated.
We as compassionate humans need to stop the slaughter of elephants by petitioning local and national governments to ban all ivory imports and exports. It is also important that the laws for possession of ivory be changed so that the punishment for owning, buying, selling, or trading ivory is severe enough to discourage illegal trade.
My name is Lauren Power and I am a 12 year old student from Canada. I was doing a school project on human-elephant conflict and what I learned caused me to start this effort to change the future of elephants. Because I am a minor, my father, Jason Lewis, is assisting me with this petition and will sign on my behalf. Not doing anything will result in the end of the elephant, of that I am certain. Is that what you want? If not, let your voice be heard.
Sign the petition so that the protection of elephants can begin.