STOP The HOA Board overreach!!!

77 signers. Add your name now!
77 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The VIsta Monterey HOA board has decided to spend hundreds of thousands of our dollars on the new painting project without so much as consulting homeowners as to what color they think their homes should be!

The Board stated in past newsletters that “options” would be posted on June 22nd in order to receive input from homeowners. However at the last board meeting on June 7th, homeowners were informed that the colors which were posted on the Clubhouse on June 2nd would be the chosen colors and that the homeowners would not have a say in the matter. The cost of this project is well over $200,000. Money accumulated through our monthly HOA fees.
The Board has also failed to mention to Home Owners that they would be responsible themselves for some of the costs of painting their units. This is unacceptable.The board must hear from homeowners before making such a costly and important decision.

Please sign this petition to force the Vista Monterey HOA Board to hold a vote

3 color schemes as well as an option to keep our original colors must be given. The BOARD is meant to represent Home Owners not rule over them.

Please sign this petition and if you would like to complain to the board, please email:

I will ensure each complaint is received by the property manager and the HOA Board.

Also ballots have already been mailed to replace 3 members whose terms are up. We need to elect new people who have not been a part of the current board making these decisions.

When you vote your new ballot please check mark:

☑️ Sylvia Robie

☑️ Patrice Porter

☑️ Dave Martin

Thank you. Let’s be heard

Verity Grover, unit 68

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