Stop the Firing of Arlington VA's Fire, Police, and Civilian Employees

Dear Mark Schwartz and Arlington County Board,
Whereas no current Covid-19 “vaccine” prevents the infection and transmission of Covid-19;
Whereas no consideration is given in Arlington County's new mandatory vaccination policy to those with natural immunity, even though there is evidence to show natural immunity is robust and long-lasting;
Whereas the county lacks evidence that vaccination status has a direct impact on the spreading of Covid-19;
Whereas the vaccine mandate disproportionately harms people of color;
Whereas short-term safety data on the Covid-19 vaccines is not being systematically collected and verified, making Informed consent impossible;
Whereas medium- and long-term safety data is still unknown for all 3 current vaccines, since they are all new vaccines;
Whereas no method of recourse to Arlington or other organization or authority has been mentioned by your policy where the vaccine produces adverse effects (such as but not limited to Pericarditis, Myocarditis, Anaphylaxis, Bell’s Palsy, blood clots, death) in those employees extorted into taking the vaccine;
Whereas vaccine efficacy only protects for a short period of time and wanes, requiring an unknown number of additional boosters;
Whereas the best data available shows an estimated 8,600 people nationwide have died after getting the vaccine;
Whereas genuine national discussion of Covid-19 is being suppressed;
Whereas over 90% of the county employees are already vaccinated and PPE required by all is not in short supply;
Whereas the vaccine was designed for a previous version of SARS-CoV-2;
Whereas the normal course of validating a new vaccine is 5-10 years;
Whereas the Nuremberg Code is being ignored though it is the gold standard of Medicinal ethics since WWII
We sincerely request that this county-imposed vaccine mandate be reconsidered and retracted in an effort to find a more appropriate solution for dealing with Covid-19. Employing unvaccinated workers does not in fact affect the continuity of the government, or its services. Terminating 3-10% of your workforce is a much greater risk to continuity of government services;
Please seek to substitute the collective termination with more reciprocal ideas such as:
1. Affordable at work self-testing like nearby localities, and like county contractors, and test anyone with symptoms who are reporting to work, since the vaccine doesn't stop the spread
2. Make an allowance for natural immunity
Thank you
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