Together, we will raise awareness about one of the most important issues in the United States, and the entire world -- the RACIAL DIVIDE.
With every new killing of African Americans by police (and vice versa) receiving international headlines, while the mainstream media ignores the facts, racial tensions are threatening to propel the nation into a vicious and deadly hysteria. Violent and deadly protests are erupting in the streets and cities such as Chicago are a war-zone (with a record number of 4,331 shooting victims and 762 gun homicides in the year 2016 alone, rising nearly 50% since 2013 according to the Associated Press). Turning on any mainstream American news channel reveals scenes that look as if they have been taken directly out of a horror movie - thousands of radical protesters swarming busy streets and blocking traffic throughout the nation, burning American flags, jumping on the top of police cruisers, heaving bricks through windows and desecrating private and public property. It seems as if the United States is tearing at the seams, unable to resist the increasing strain and mounting pressure of the growing racial divide throughout the land. In order to put an end to the racial tensions in America, the fundamental reasons behind the divide must first be analyzed and correctly interpreted. Only then can potential solutions be put into place to heal the deep wounds in the very hearts of Americans.
Together, we can FIGHT TO PUT AN END TO THE RACIAL DIVIDE. We will remain united, strong, proud, free, willing and ready to fight for change, equality, and an end to the RACIAL DIVIDE.
Stay informed and up-to-date on the racial divide by visiting our website at: www.stopthedivide.com