Stop the Deportation of DACA Recipient with Clean Record

Shiekh Nyang, A DACA recipient with no criminal conviction has been detained in ICE for over 2 years with no bail. He has been approved for DACA and ordered to take his Biometrics so he can be released but instead ICE officers are trying to illegally deport him back to Gambia on July 28th just so he doesn't finish the process. Shiekh has a Wife and a 8 year old son that needs him and has all right to stay in this country because he's been here since a child and committed NO crime. He also have underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure. Shiekh also has a pending i-130 through the sponsorship of his Wife and shouldn't be deported but ICE rather try to illegally deport him instead of following the laws they put into place. Shiekh has his Mother, his siblings here, his whole family is here he has no one back in Gambia. It's even more hard for him because his lawyer took his money and disappeared without filing any paperwork for him. Please help us sign this petition and stop the deportation of Shiekh Nyang.