Stop the closure of the Fashion Design Bookstore

Please include both first and last name when signing the petition***
We, the students at FIT, petition the FIT Board of Directors to stop the closure of the independent Fashion bookstore located across from FIT. It has come to our attention that FIT has paid an exorbitant amount of money to the land lord of the Fashion Bookstore, in an effort to gain the space needed to expand. The land lord consequently asked the bookstore to pay triple the amount of rent per month in order to match FIT’s bribe. The bookstore being unable to match these prices is now being forced out of business. FIT plans on expanding across 27th street forcing other small businesses out of business. The bookstore will become a new student ‘welcoming center’ as a marketing strategy to promote the school. The Fashion Design Bookstore provides students with necessary merchandise that the students depend on daily. The proximity of the store allows students to have easy access to supplies while on break from their classes at cheap, reasonable prices. Furthermore, professors order specific supplies to this bookstore for students in the beginning of the semester, which now leaves professors unable to have a resource center for students to get all of their supplies in one shot. Without the Fashion Design Bookstore students, especially Fashion Design, will have to travel far greater distances in order to get what they need. A new welcoming center is not beneficial for the current students within Design. FIT plans on expanding but is not willing to fix internal problems such as the lack of equipment necessary for many Design students. It is our hope, that FIT will stop this expansion that forces independent retailers out of business and rather focus its attention to improving the school internally. It is unjust that the finances are being used to shut down a business so important to the students of FIT rather than use these finances towards equipment and machinery that would help the design students thrive.