Colin Carter 0

stop the bullying

338 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Colin Carter 0 Comments
338 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

please sign the petition to help stop the bullying at Francis bardsley school for Girls. The headmaster and head of year seem oblivious to the relentless fear and intimidation at the school. My daughter and her friend have been bullied in school and out of school and another parent of a young girl said that for the past 2 years her daughter has been relentlessly bullied to such extremes that she cry's her heart out before and after school and was told if she kept her daughter at home she would be prosecuted. I believe that all children have a right to an education in a safe and happy environment, so they may better themselves for there future. The school is failing them,The voice of a few parents does not seem to matter but the voice of many may help.we hope to present this to the school and the board of governors with the hope that they will finally listen.thank you for your time in Reading this.

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