Stop the Building on Titora

ב-18 פבואר 2013. יתקיים בוועדה המחוזית, דיון מכריע בעתידה של גבעת התיתורה במודיעין
הגבעה היא פנינת טבע עירוני ייחודי באזור ובארץ.
אנו קוראים לך לתמוך בעמדת עיריית מודיעין
המבקשת לבטל את הבינוי על הגבעה וליעדה לפארק טבע עירוני
We are petitioning against the building of 750 housing units on Mount Titora.
On the 18th of February 2013, the Regional Committee of the Ministry of Housing will be passing a motion to build 750 building units on Titora - this struggle has been a long history. Today we must stop the building before it is too late, please sign this petition or write to a e-mail to the mayor of Modiin in support of the Municipal plan to protect this area and turn it into a reserve. Haim-bibas@modiin.muni.il
Investigations have revealed evidence of habitation on Titora dating back to the Chalcolithic Period, (4000-3150 BCE), as well as First and Second Temple period remains. It is contended that Titora may have been the site of ancient Modi\'in, where the Hasmonaim rebellion against the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV(168/167 BCE), took place. Remains from the Byzantine, Arab, Crusader, Mamluk, Ottoman and British occupations are also evidenced on Tittora. More recent historical remains are of the El Borge military post.
There is a rare botanical abundance on Titora. Centuries of accumulated organic remains on the hill have helped create a fertile soil, which is complemented by a water supply from the existing ancient water cisterns (over 180 in number). Rains collected in the cisterns seep out of the cracks and slowly irrigate the land. During the spring, there are over 80 different types of wild flowers.
Titora is where we take our children in order to in order to teach them about their heritage and about their natural surroundings. In the future our children should be able to do the same for their children. Titora is a beautiful haven and archaeological treasure within a growing city and must be preserved!
Send an e-mail to the Mayor of Modiin
Mr Haim Bibas;
Titora - Modiin - A History - מודיעין - תיתורה
Titora - Modiin - A History - מודיעין - תיתורה