claudia Dearmas 0

Stop strict dress codes at Beach High

87 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
claudia Dearmas 0 Comments
87 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hey guys! So I wanted to talk about strict dress codes and how they have effected my school. Many of you may know that my school, went from an A school to a C school. I have a reason why that may have happened. From my personal experience at beach, girls are under strict dress code. Not allowing them to wear leggings, yoga pants, sweatpants, or ripped jeans. As a girl I am not comfortable wearing jeans every single day. I am not able to focus when I don't feel comfortable. Having the slightest rip in your pants can get you pulled out of class, and have you sit in indoor suspension all day. This has happened to me. Today, I wore leggings to school, right as I got to school I got stopped by the vice principle, he scolded me. He told me that I am a distraction the males. That what I am wearing is illegal. No man should tell me that my pants are "illegal". No man should even care what I wear, because it's MY choice. If I want to feel comfortable so be it. But instead I got sent to indoor suspension, this suspension will kill my grades. I have presentations and homework to be turned in, and I can't even present while I'm in CSI. But this school doesn't care al they care about is having kids be dressed in uncomfortable clothing, harming their learning. I need to put a stop to females being targeted as "sexual objects" in schools. I plead you to sign this petition if you are sick of this sexist dress code.(:

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