Survey All Residents Before Spending Taxpayer Money
Sign The Petition
Before millions of taxpayer dollars are spent on building a new Trumbull Senior/Community Center, we ask the Senior/Community Center & Library Study and Building Committee (Building Committee) to first find out what Trumbull residents want and what they are willing to pay for. A project of this scale requires a comprehensive town-wide planning process to answer some basic questions. Do Trumbull seniors want the current center renovated or do they want a new center? Do Trumbull residents want a new senior-only center or a true community/senior center, and if so, with what amenities? Where would Trumbull residents want a new facility to be located?
From the beginning, this process has been flawed, yet the Town Council and Board of Finance have allocated $175,000 to the Building Committee to hire an architect to design this new facility. This money is being spent despite the fact that the need for a new senior center has not been established; initial resident surveys were ill-designed and elicited poor response rates. Currently, no financial projections have been done regarding the cost to run a new facility, membership numbers, or membership fee increases. A site has not even been selected. Nonetheless, our town government continues to push ahead, spending our tax dollars on this poorly planned process.
Please sign below demanding that the Town Council and the Building Committee put a halt to spending any more Trumbull tax dollars until sufficient community input has been gathered via a well written/comprehensive survey mailed to each household allowing for a fiscally responsible planning process to be put in place.