Pledge to End Slut-Shaming

I, __________, pledge to refrain from slut shaming any woman or man by the way they dress or act.
In doing so I pledge to refrain from judging an individual by the way he or she dresses.
I will refrain from knowingly accepting double standards when a man or woman states how many partners she’s had, I also pledge to defend anyone who is slut shamed.
I even refrain from using the word slut— even in a playful way.
I take this pledge because I acknowledge that slut shaming has no value in our society due to its double standards against one sex, the harm it causes on its victims, and the effect of diminished worth.
I, __________, pledge to abolish this demeaning term from my vocabulary and raise awareness about this issue.
I pledge to do my best to end slut shaming.