Stop Sharing Our Student Data!

The Louisiana Department of Education has provided our children's private data (including medical conditions, grades, discipline information, SSNs Birthdays, and your child's picture along with your home address and phone number) to unregulated, unmonitored third party vendors to market products to our children.
These vendors plan to keep this data forever, and to sell it to others at our children's expense. These vendors like inBloom, Amplify, and Ed-Fi are even obtaining and sharing historical data from students (now adults) who have already graduated. These vendors have stated they will take "reasonable precautions" but will not take responsibility nor be liable for any damages or disclosures of this data - which they intend to host on publically available "data clouds."
This data can be abused by identity thieves, insurance companies, future employers, and pedophiles to name just a few of the dangers.
When you sign this petition you are stating you want this practice by the Louisiana Department of Education to cease. You want any data already transmitted to be destroyed. You want the US Department of Education to restore FERPA protections for our children (no sharing of confidential student data without parental consent) and you want our local legislators to pass legislation that will prevent this from happening ever again.
This petition will go to the Louisiana Department of Education, the Louisiana Governors Office, the State Legislature, and the US Department of Education.