Stop Settling Kuchis and Taliban in Parwan and Shamali!!
saboor raheel 0

Stop Settling Kuchis and Taliban in Parwan and Shamali!!

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The settlement of nomad (Kuchi) Pashtun tribes in the areas of historic residence of other socio-ethnic groups is a political agenda that certain fascist minded circles in the Presidential palace of Afghanistan are going to implement in the country.

More recently, the handpicked so called representatives of Kuchis (nomads) in the lower house of the Parliament in Kabul are trying to facilitate settlement of 50,000 Kuchis in Parwan Province and in the northern plains of Kabul. This is a sheer and clear act of misusing state power for tribal and ethnic gains that is based on the fascistic agendas and mentality of its masterminds.

We do not agree with the settlement of these Kuchis because:
1- Parwan and Northern areas of Kabul (Shamali) do not have the capacity of accommodating more Kuchis. Parwan and Shamali has enough of this. Economically, the natural resources cannot accommodate such sudden increase in population in limited land and resource challenged area.

2- Kuchis are Pashuns while the ethnic composition of the area is and has always been mostly Tajik and or non-Pashtun. This is an act of changing ethnic composition of the population and on the other hand, it is invasion of the lands and properties and natural resources belonging to the people of the region who have historically lived in these areas.

3- These Kuchis have to be settled in the Provinces such as Laghman, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Zabul and Helmand provinces that not only are inhabited mostly by the same tribes and ethnic groups but also there are vast arable lands available for them to be settled. Why Parwan and Northern Kabul?

3- there is no transparent mechanism and procedure to distinguish Kuchi from non-Kuchi. Who knows whether they are Pakistani Pashtuns or Kuchis?

4- Kuchis have been involved and associated with Taliban and terrorists during the recent years. Parwan and North of Kabul are and have been always against the Taliban and other terrorist groups. Settlement of Kuchis in Parwan and Northern Kabul means breaking the walls of resistance against terrorism.

5- People of Parwan are aware of the aftermaths of settlement of Kuchis in their homeland. They will fight back and the country will ascend into another phase of ethnic and civil war.

6- settlement of Kuchis is a matter to be taken care by the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan together. Kuchis are of the same rights in both countries. They live have of the year in either countries. Settlement of Kuchis is not only Afghanistan’s responsibility. Where is the share of Pakistan? Two third of the same ethnic group with Pashtun Kuchis live in Pakistan. They relate more to Pakistan then Afghanistan.

7- There are so many other social groups with similar situation like Kuchis in Afghanistan. This government pays no attention to their plights. Why only Pashtun Kuchis?

Thus, in order to avoid the violation of the rights of the people on the resources of their land and another social and human tragedy, we request the attention of all governmental, international and the UN agencies, personalities and organizations to put pressure on the government's decision making bodies to stop settlement of Kuchis on the lands of the people of Shamali and Parwan.

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