anonymous guy 0


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anonymous guy 0 Comments
3 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

"Securly" does literally nothing but ban pages. These pages could be educational and/or REQUIRED FOR A SCHOOL PROJECT. "Securly" is nothing but a fun-killer and punch in the face to anyone who tries to access any given site. Something about "Securly" is that it channels on to home WiFi. I get why teachers would want to use this at school, but it should turn off as soon as we went on to our home WiFi, so we didn't have to go by school restrictions at home. I forgot to mention that it uses your personal information to find things to ban, THEREFORE making it SPYWARE. Thanks for nothing, Securly.

Thank you for your time, user. Have a great rest of your day/night!

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