Stop safe 2 tell
Safe to tell has been sending our dearest friends back to their homes for various amounts of time and various amounts of reasons. Safe 2 tell use to be a safe platform to report children who actually were doing something against the schools conduct code, but recently a few of my friends have had incidents where safe 2 tell has directly contacted our school and probably others as well about accusations made against students. Safe 2 tell can be used as a platform to harass and abuse children if the reporter was inclined to do so. Sometimes there can be no evidence to supporting the claim but children are still getting suspended because of this anti bullying software.Another reason to sign this petition is the fact that no one takes this software seriously last year a few of my friends and I were goofing around with each other and dared each other to report our selves to safe 2 tell for cutting and suicidal actions and the school actually sent us to the counselor.Us students have been under the monarchy of safe 2 tell's anti bullying special snowflake liberal propaganda for too long. They have told us what is OK and what is not to do and it is feeling like we are getting less and less freedom in our school. So today I present to you a petition to stop the tyranny that is safe 2 tell.