Stop Reddish Vale High School serving Halal meat to all pupils

This petition is now closed since the School chose to further update its statement on Halal food.
"In response to queries raised regarding the serving of halal meat in the canteen. I can confirm that we do not serve halal meat as standard however it is available for those students who request it. We also have a vegetarian option on offer for those that require or prefer a vegetarian diet.
Linda Hanson"
Reddish Vale High School (in Stockport) have confirmed that they are serving Halal meat to it's pupils.
At no point did the school consult with or advise parents of this decision. Furthermore they are not advising pupils and educating them in Halal slaughter.
Halal slaughter is barbaric and involves killing animals in a inhumane manner, rather than stunning animals before slaughter in the case of non-halal meat.
Please sign this petition to have this matter brought to the attention of all parents, to the local community and to enable this to be presented to the local Council, School Headteacher and Local MP.
The aim of this petition is to have this decision reversed.
Links to Halal articles: