amy jones 0

Stop racism within the muskegon city police department.

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
amy jones 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

What do you want to be done: Have you ever gone down to the City of Muskegon Police Department to make a complaint against Officers that are prejudice and you want to seek help with this and all you do is run into higher up officers that feel the same way? Well I did and All he had to say to is “I have to be careful how I say this this, I’m not racist but when a lot of African Americans get together for an event there tends to be shootings and violence that’s why when Someone signs up for an event that involves a Rapp artist coming to this area we deny it and run them out of Muskegon because we don’t want this around here”. It’s a shame that this man could be so narrow minded by speaking so freely not knowing that I am a Caucasian woman with an African American family (kids, fiancé, business partner, and customers.) I am ashamed and saddened to hear something like this coming from the people who are here to serve and protect our community. They also use different terms for African Americans they call them “Gang Bangers”.  They have Caucasian officers that do not like African Americans and these same officers are riding around with Caucasian trainees teaching them that there is nothing wrong with stereo typing and this behaviour is tolerated.  The Police Chief is solely responsible for not hiring Black officers on the force. The officers patrolling the streets of Muskegon County should be reflective of its residents. Let us put the pressure on them to hire laid off officers from the Heights. We can do it! Picket them every day with signs bringing attention to this fact. Demand they hire more Black officers. Visit the city commissioner meetings and voice your concern. Make the Police Chief accountable. The power is with you my people! This concern has been avoided. Ask yourselves the question of why does police brutality and killings seem to occur only by the Muskegon Police Department and not Heights? Therein people are the answers. We need to stand up Muskegon as a people and not individual races and creeds, Stand up and demand justice!!! God is on our side. These corrupt officers including Tony Tague days are numbered. BELIEVE THAT! But we must take a stand and fight them in the best manner, by exposing them!!!!!!


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