Stop Poverty Don’t Increase It

Have you ever even thought about the 736 million people in poverty ? Sadly there are also about 11.9 million children affected by this petrifying inequality. I feel very devastated and sympathetic for everyone who is affected by this unimaginable inequality. Everyday 22,000 children’s death occurs due to the eternal and devastating effects of poverty. I want the people who have extreme wealth to help end this almost everlasting inequality. I strongly believe it is high time to stop this inequality or consequences can be very alarming and long lasting.
Did anyone even have a thought that many people have fell into poverty this year since last year ? One of the factors which increased poverty this year is people have lost their jobs. Due to which they have became homeless, also many people are struggling to get proper health care and basic needs at this time due to the global pandemic of COVID - 19 (Coronavirus). Furthermore did you even have a clue that the COVID - 19 global pandemic is thought to push an additional 88 million to 115 million people into extreme poverty this year ? We should try to encourage more citizens, to help and support people in poverty.
Did anyone even have an idea about how many people die due to poverty ? In America 291,000 deaths of people occured due to poverty in the year 2000. Another fact is that 45,000 deaths occur annually due to the lack of health coverage. I wish for free healthcare one day so innocent citizens don’t lose their right to live. I also have another wish that the wealthy be kind and helpful to the unfortunate. The wealthy should not be selfish instead they should use their wealth in good actions such as donation. A great example is author J.K Rowling, she is the owner of a lot of wealth but has also donated millions to charities.
To end off with, we should be helpful to the needy since also they are human. They also have all the rights like we do. They should be treated equally like us. They are also just like us and have the right to get good education, good food and many more rights just like us. Most importantly they have the right to live and can never be treated like slaves. If you support this petition spread awareness and spread the voice to all of your friends and tell them to do the same. My goal is to get 100 signatures. Lastly don’t forget to sign this Petition :)