Physical Therapists Against Physician Owned Physical Therapy Services

"Recognizing the incongruity of POPTS and APTA's/CPTA's Vision 2020 that embraces the autonomous practice of doctorally prepared professionals, the inherent conflicts of interest existing within POPTS, the loss of patient's right to choice of provider, and the increased cost to society identified resulting from POPTS, the APTA and CPTA have reaffirmed their decades-long opposition to physician-owned physical therapy services. APTA and CPTA support legislative and regulatory measures at the state and federal levels to ban physician ownership of physical therapy services."
- Position on Physician-Owned Physical Therapy Services (POPTS) January 2005, APTA.
We ask that you consider signing this petition to demonstrate your support for Vision 2020 as well as your opposition to physician owned physical therapy practices.
Created by the California Private Practice Group