Stop poor referees ruining the beautiful game of Rugby!
Gavin Hannah 0

Stop poor referees ruining the beautiful game of Rugby!

108 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Gavin Hannah 0 Comments
108 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Every Rugby fan loves rugby for one simple reason. It's a fun game. Rugby is a physical game. It's tactical and highly skilled. No matter who you support, we are lucky enough not to suffer the same problems that blight football. Our fans can mingle with each other and appreciate a good game, no matter who wins. But, there is one problem. The standard of referees. Some are very good at their jobs, some are not so. It is a difficult task to referee Rugby matches, but for years, Rugby has led the way ahead of football in terms of standards and fairness. But some referees are dragging these standards down. We can all have off days, but some are consistantly ruining the game for us rugby fans. In particular, handling of scrums, missing blantant professional fouls, and general underperformance. In an age where we have a video referee and radio linked referees, there is no excuse for poor performance. Please sign this petition so that the IRB may know our displeasure. The IRB is must be compelled to erradicate poor referees who consistantly underperform so that fans can not feel cheated, or that there are corrupt officials in our beautiful game. We do not want to suffer the same problems that football suffers.

Please Spread the word around the Web and your friends who love rugby and get them to sign this petition!  

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