I am a grade 8 student studying in Gems World Academy, Dubai, and was horrified to learn how plastic trash is destroying our oceans. Plastics that end up as ocean debris contribute to habitat destruction and kill thousands of marine animals. Every year about 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic marine litter worldwide. Out of the millions of tons of debris floating around in the oceans, 80% is plastic. Plastic is not biodegradable. Did you know that a plastic bottle takes 450 years to break down?
Let us take the pledge to take small steps to reduce ocean pollution by saying no to plastic:-
1) Carry your own reusable bag to the grocery store instead of carrying single use plastic bags.
2) Carry a reusable bottle.
3) Say no to plastic straws! Next time you order a drink, think about whether you really need the straw.
4) Carry your reusable coffee-cup. Tell your local cafe to start giving discounts if people bought in their own cup.
5) Say no to disposable plastic cutlery.
6) Avoid buying excessively packaged food.
7) Give up bottled water.