Stop Pet Bans in Los Angeles!
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council 0

Stop Pet Bans in Los Angeles!

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council 0 Comments
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Did you know that it may be illegal to buy a Pet in L.A.?
The Los Angeles City Council is considering a ban on the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits i pet stores.

Citizens may lose the right to buy pets from pet stores in the City of Los Angeles before the end of the summer of 2012. An overwhelming vote by the Los Angeles City Council has directed that a pet ban be considered and an ordinance drafted. The Council will vote on whether to adopt the ordinance once a draft is complete and a proposal made to the Council. 


Limiting people’s right to get a pet only hurts animals as well as the pet-owning public.

Putting legitimate pet stores and kennels out of business opens the door to an underground market. 

Research demonstrates that pet store puppies are on average at least as healthy as those from any other source. 

The percentage of shelter animals that originate from pet stores is extremely low. Research clearly shows that the vast majority of shelter animals did NOT come from pet stores. 

Most pet owners choosing a pet store animal are very happy with their pet.

Those who really care about the welfare of animals work to raise standards of care, and eliminate pet providers who don’t maintain acceptable standards. Banning the public from finding their pets at pet stores does nothing to advance this goal!


The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC): A non-profit trade association, advocating for the pet industry, pet owners, animals, and the environment. PIJAC represents the needs of the pet industry and those they serve, promotes responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, and fosters environmental stewardship.


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