Larry Yates 0


58 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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58 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Back in 2009 I noticed that PSE&G was charging for the delivery of gas and electricity.  However, the “delivery” charge was 50% of my bill or greater.  When I asked about the charge I was given the run around until I filed a formal petition (complaint) against PSE&G with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (the Board) where the particulars regarding this issue were finally explained (two years later) but remained both unjust and unreasonable.

The Board transmitted my petition to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) as a contested matter, which was in error as my complaint sought damages and recovery, which are not within the Board’s jurisdiction.  The Board mischaracterized my complaint as a billing dispute challenging the accuracy of my bill, which is incorrect.  I moved to have the matter transferred to the Superior Court of New Jersey but my motion was denied and my complaint dismissed.

I’m currently in the process of appealing this matter but in the interim I discovered that the “delivery” charge is part of a surcharge the State permitted PSE&G to assess for the sole purpose of providing special government protection to PSE&G from the effects of competition while denying citizens of New Jersey the benefit of competition.

To date PSE&G has collected approximately $5 billion in “stranded costs” as part of this surcharge and is slated to collect an additional $1.9 billion through the operation of law pursuant to the "Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act" however, the issue is that PSE&G has no competition where the operative question is where is this money going and how is it benefiting citizens of New Jersey?

I need you to sign this petition and join the matter of “Murphy v. PSE&G”, a class action lawsuit filed against PSE&G, which is scheduled to go before the Supreme Court of New Jersey.


Larry J. Yates, Consumer Advocate


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