cheslyn gobey 0


49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
cheslyn gobey 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

THE MEDIA IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL. celebrities are getting harassed daily by paparazzi and it needs to stop. if someone takes a picture of a 'normal' person and follows them its illegal but if a person takes a picture of a 'celebrity' and follows them around its perfectly fine and its not right. yes, they're celebrities and we want to know what they're up to, but you have to think about them, they can't go to the shop without getting attacked by people with flashing cameras. All they want to do is live their dream but paparazzi take that dream and turn it into a nightmare. Everybody deserves privacy and with paparazzi everywhere, they're not giving people the space they deserve. I would of thought the death of princess Diana would of woken people up and made people realise that paparazzi is getting out of control but it didn't. A paparazzi died a few months ago because he was trying to get a picture of Justin Bieber and yet again the media, the law system no one did anything about it. Its time for this to stop and for rules to be put in place. Let the celebrities live their dream and let them have the privacy they deserve. There is more news in the world then to know a celebrity has gone to a takeaway restaurant. People want to know real news and they want to know whats going on in the world politically. Its time for paparazzi to stop and for them to get REAL jobs and to stop ruining other peoples lifes/dreams. Please lets try and stop it together. its getting out of control and there needs to be boundaries... NOW.

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