Objection to covering up the front facade of Palazzio Kindergarten Playroom
To Sunway Palazzio Management Committee,
We recently heard that the MC has made the decision to cover up the front facing façade of the Playroom’s window with a floor-to-ceiling, view obstructing vinyl tint, that would prevent people from the lobby area to look in to the Playroom.
The current refurbished Playroom looks amazing – functionally and aesthetically. The suggestion of obstructing the view of such a lovely space is baffling to our community, as we question the purpose of doing so.
Therefore, we cannot support this and would like to voice our objection and protest this decision to carry forward with this tint before any work commence.
As residents of Palazzio we, the undersigned, strongly object to the plan to tint the front elevation of the recently renovated kindergarten for the following reasons:
- Questionable Purpose - -The tinting serves no purpose other than to 'hide away' the kindergarten. We would like to remind the committee that Palazzio is primarily a family environment. Children and their activities need not be covered up and hidden away in this manner.
- Security - - The tint aims to obstruct the view from lobby area and this poses serious security threat. It is imperative that full view of the Playroom from the outside is necessary, for parents and security guards to be able to look in without obstruction and monitor inside - in case of emergency, theft, fire, choking, fight, accident and/or undesirable activities.
- Source of Light - - The large front elevation is the main source of natural light for the kindergarten. The ceilings inside are already low. The planned tint will severely darken the room making it more cave-like rather than bright happy place for young children to play. This would be completely unacceptable.
- Property Value - - The renovations were a significant upgrade investment for Palazzio and include a major feature wall at the front of the kindergarten. The new kindergarten adds value to the condo for prospective owners and tenants. Covering it up in this way will negate the investment, look unsightly from the outside and will ultimately reduce value.
- Unsolicited Design Alteration - - The upgrade project was delegated to the informal group of parents for design and implementation. Feedback on the project from the group and other residents is overwhelmingly positive. Tinting was never in the design or planning and it is clearly improper for the MC to unilaterally impose last minute major alterations to design.
- Feedback from Parents' Group - - We understand that this initiative was led by the personal preferences of a small minority. The MC was made aware of vehement opposition to this idea and yet still pushed through a vote without consulting the parents group, without due consultation with the community and before the kindergarten project was even finished. We would like to remind the committee that their election and ultimate purpose is to represent the wider views of the community and not to use their elected position to further personal preferences.
We therefore call on the committee to:-
- Immediately CANCEL any plans for tinting.
- Agree in the next management meeting to recognize and consult with the parents group if any further interference with kindergarten is ever considered.