Stop Oil Drilling in ANWR
Stop Oil Drilling in ANWR
Hi. I am Andrew and I am a student from Nicaragua. Have you ever thought about what is going to happen to all the wildlife that lives in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska if the United States continues drilling for oil there? I bet you did not know that there are more than 40 mammal species, 40 fish species and 200 bird species that live there. Imagine if all these animals became extinct only because the United States wants more oil. This petition is asking the United States to stop drilling for oil in the ANWR. The United States should not drill in ANWR because it will destroy many animal’s habitats, destroy the environment and destroy the way of life of the Gwich’in.
When the United States drills for oil in ANWR it causes explosions beneath the earth’s crust which causes animals to suddenly get scared and leave their habitats. Humans drilling for oil can cause polar bears to leave their den and cubs behind. Drilling will also cause birds to change their migration patterns. The United States needs to build pipelines to drill for ANWR so they can transport the oil they drill to oil refineries. When the pipelines leak the spilled oil will contaminate the area and kill many of the animals that live in ANWR. Drilling and transporting the oil can cause air and ground pollution. The Gwich’in is a native tribe that lives in Alaska. The Gwich’in depend on the caribou for their economy and due to oil drilling will become extinct, which will ruin their way of life. Please sign this petition to stop oil drilling in ANWR to save the habitat of the animals, the environment and the way of life of the Gwich’in.