Stop Noise from The Scaffolding Group, Derby
David Graham 0

Stop Noise from The Scaffolding Group, Derby

20 signers. Add your name now!
David Graham 0 Comments
20 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Since the Scaffolding Group Ltd moved into their business premises on Great Northern Road, local residents in the immediate apartment blocks have been subjected to constant noise as long lengths of scaffolding pipe are thrown into lorries. Work generally starts just after 7am, although has started as early as 6:10am! Generally, work is continuous for about an hour making it impossible to have an early morning snooze. The summer months are the worst to bear if you like to have your windows open! The creator of this petition took the time to contact the council regarding this matter and was absolutely stunned to find that nobody else from any of the three overlooking apartment blocks had complained. The council installed some sound monitoring equipment and did speak to the Scaffolding Group but to no avail. Having spoken to a number of residents recently, it seems that people are unwilling to complain although getting really frustrated with the noise which is without doubt being made at unsociable hours.

The Scaffolding Group have also been contacted to ask that they either start work at a later time, 8am, to which they replied it would not be possible as their trucks would hit all the rush hour traffic. It is clear that they need to move to a new business address on an industrial estate where they can make as much noise as they like at any time of the day!
The hope is that with enough online votes,the council will take things more seriously and force the Scaffolding Group to start work later in the morning which will hopefully force a move to alternative business premises.


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