Stop Nkurunziza's referendum

Peter Nkurunziza took over the country illegaly for a third term and now he wants to change the Constitution so that he can rule for who knows how long. Almost 2000 burundians died since 2015 , 10 000 were incarcerated and now near 500 000 are refugees all across the world. We need to take actions if we want it to stop , we need to get united and resist against the oppression or it will never stop. If we let him pass this referendum , that will be the end of the Arusha peace agreements and the beginning of a greater chaos. This is why we need to come together and sign this petition before the 15th of May 2018 , wich will be sent to major international organizations that got involved into Burundi's crisis.
One step at a time we can make the change that we all looking for happen.
So please sign for the recovery of our dear country !
Updates will be available on all social media platforms @Thelost3