Stop New West School expansion. Support the Appeal to Council.
We, the undersigned, OPPOSE the actions taken by the Los Angeles City Planning Commission at its meeting held on September 11, 2014 as recorded in its Notice of Determination dated November 19, 2014 regarding
Case No.: CPC-2011-1923-CU-SPR-PA1
CEQA: ENV-2011-1924-MND
and we support the APPEAL filed challenging the following specific actions:
1. Approval of a Plan for Condition Compliance in accordance with Condition 11 of CPC-2011-1923-CU-SPR, and finding that New West Charter School has fully complied with the use and operating requirements of the Conditional Use Permit.
2. Approval of an increase in enrollment from 750 to 875 students for the 2015-2016 school year.
3. Approval of parking requirements to be met on- or off-site.
4. Approval of extended school hours to 10:00 p.m. for teacher preparations, school maintenance, parent/teacher conferences, school board meetings and similar school activities.
5. Approval of a reduction in the number of required traffic studies to one per semester.
6. Adoption of modified Conditions of Approval and Findings attached to the Notice of Determination dated November 19, 2014.
7. Finding that the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, ENV-2011-1924-MND adequately serves as environmental clearance for the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and Section 21082.19(c)(3) of the California Public Resources Code.