Stop Mobile Phone Mast at Saint Augustines

Please help us stop the installation of mobile phone masts in the tower of Saint Augustines Church on Kilburn Park Road
The Church is using the Ecclesiastical Exemption Order 2010 as a legal loophole to instal a telecoms base station without proper community consultation. Rather than reaching out to local schools and residents directly to inform them of their intentions and to invite us to voice our concerns, the Church chose to place a letter on its gate advising of the community consultation period ending 28 days after 1st August 2012. In other words, during peek holiday season and under cover of London 2012 fanfare.
It should come as not surprise then that the vast majority of local residents as well as the parents and teachers of over 3,000 children who attend the 4 local schools, are still unware of the Church's plans.
Fortunately, a few residents have been trying to spread the word and there is now a Civil Consultaion Period in place. We want our concerns over the potential long term health issues associated with the radiation emitted from these masts to be heard and taken into consideration. If you live in the area, if your child attends a local school, if worship at this historic Church, if you use the leisure facilities of Paddington Rec, if you are simply against the installation of these masts in residential areas, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help us by signing this petition. Thank you and God Bless